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Hassan Hachimi, Sami Aoun and others attend a meeting of the Syrian opposition in Montreal in 2006
Original address: http://www.amude.net/Beyan_Munteda_deep.php?newsLanguage=Munteda&newsId=4851
Date: May 4, 2006
Note: This document was linked to by Jonathan D. Halevi in his article about the appointment of Hassan Hachimi as president of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood political bureau that was published on August 29, 2013.
Google Translate of the original article
Preparatory meeting in Montreal
Held in the Canadian city of Montreal on 04/29/2006 consultative meeting to prepare for the General Syrian Congress for Freedom and Democracy in Syria.
Participated in this meeting, a large number of independent personalities and a number of organizations and political parties in the United States, Canada, Europe and inside Syria. Was represented at the meeting by the following members of the undersigned :
Necdet luteal - Mohamed الجبيلي - Farouk sentences - Mohamed Alatki - Bassam Nyrabia - Samer Break - Mohamed Diab - Abdul Latif enlightening - Fadi Tabra - Safouh Brazil - Issa Break - Fred Haddad - Marwan Egypt - leading Saliba - Florence deer - Fouad Break - Turkish Break - Zafer Klaus - Hicham Break - Mohammed Zuhair Al Khatib - Hassan al - Hashemi - Afaf Break - fun البقاعي - Daad Auishq -
-2 -
XBMC Ahmad - Sami Aoun - Hassan aesthetic .
The guest of the meeting was attended by Dr. Sami Aoun , a political analyst for Radio - Canada and a professor of political science at League Canadian Cherbrok .
And may have been deleted the names of some of the ladies and gentlemen of the security imperatives.
And also received messages of support and posts by other organizations represented names Baltalah :
Syria :
Interim Committee of the Damascus Declaration .
East Center for Liberal Studies . Dr. Elias Ahaliana - Dr. Nabil Fayyad
Kurdish Future Movement . Meshaal Tamo
Diplomatic relations committee in the Kurdish Union Party . PYD
Professor Salah Badr al - Din
Acanutorsev Badrkhan
Professor George CTN
President of the National Organization for Human Rights - d . Ammar Alaqraba ,
Vice-President of the National Organization for Human Rights - Lawyer Thaer al - Khatib .
Europe :
Aktham Barakat - Syrian meeting - Chesluvakaa Ghassan Mefleh - Media - Switzerland Florence deer - media - France Mohieddin Allazghani - Media - United Kingdom behind Hamdan - Srgon , Sarkis
-3 -
Saeed Salem - Mohamed Doham - Munther Salman - Belarus - Ali more التركاوي - Saudi Arabia - Anwar Hamza - Yugoslavia - certified Ashour - United Kingdom - Ziad Suleiman Isa - Turkey . - Abdo owner - Spain - Fakhruddin Nayef - Bulgaria. Marc Amad voluptuous - France Waleed Khalifa - Cairo Abbas Shareco - Belgium. D . Khalid my right . D . Mohamed Saleh Agheida . Mohamed Taha - Finland - Ali Haj Hussein
And provide members meeting deliberative بمداخلاتهم and were as follows:
Chairman deliberative meeting, Issa Dam Break
M word . Necdet luteal
Ms. word . Fun البقاعي
Prof. word . Egyptian Marwan
Kelmhalsidh . Florence DEER
M word . Farid Haddad word . Mohammed Alatki
D word . Mohammed الجبيلي word d . Hassan Jamali
Professor word . Safouh faecal
Thaer al - Khatib lawyer word by telephone from the Syrian
-4 -
Have been put forward at the meeting the following fundamental issues :
1 - work to unite the goals of the opposition and political discourse and coordination with the Damascus Declaration group in joint venture for democratic change in Syria.
2 - establish the concept of the idea of citizenship that is equal among all spectrums of the Syrian society without any discrimination, ethnic, religious or ideological and follow-up work continued to cancel the emergency laws and the law 49 and demanding the immediate release of all prisoners of conscience and call and ask for help from humanitarian organizations and human rights organizations and international organizations active in human rights issues.
3 - Work to develop an action plan and determine the mechanism of the transitional phase, which will pave for the establishment of a pluralistic democratic system in Syria.
4 - Work to find channels between the opposition and the Syrian street allow clarify the intended move Syria to a democratic, pluralistic system and explain the characteristics of this system and its institutions and values.
5 - on the conference be interested in obtaining international political support for the Syrian democratic opposition and demand to lift the lid on the system and the confiscation of the money that was stolen by the system and deposited in foreign banks .
6 - agreed that an extended conference is held for the opposition within two weeks from next September in the city of Dublin in Ireland has been voted on the name of the conference is : " General Syrian Congress of freedom and democracy ."
Next conference funded by donations provided by entities and individuals of the participants in this conference.
-5 - The meeting calls on all spectra of the opposition to the invitation to make it work next conference crowd to attend as possible.
The conference concluded with the Syrian national anthem forthcoming.