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Osama Kadi, Principal of the London Moslem Mosque-affiliated Weekend Islamic School for 2012-2013
Original address: http://windmillwebworks.sytes.net/weekendlis/forms/Reg._Form%202012-2013.doc
HTML version of the Word Document (September 9, 2013): http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8cdsyIMPfqAJ:windmillwebworks.sytes.net/weekendlis/forms/Reg._Form%25202012-2013.doc+http://windmillwebworks.sytes.net/weekendlis/forms/Reg._Form%25202012-2013.doc&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
Osama Kadi is identified as the Principal of the London Weekend Islamic School (LWIS) at the bottom of the 2012-2013 registration form.
The LWIS’ address is the same than the London Moslem Mosque’s address (151 Oxford St. West, London, ON N6H 1S3) and the LWIS registration fees are payable to the Mosque.