Channel: Archives : 2005 à 2009
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MICHOT Yahya (Jean)


Profils / Profiles

– Caroline Fourest (Brother Tariq – 2008): Excerpt focusing on Yahya Michot


– Point de Bascule (11 novembre 2010) : En marge du film Des hommes et des dieux : Comment l'exégèse coranique justifie le meurtre des moines

Références / References

– Le Vif / L’Express (17 février 1995) : Au carrefour des opinions (textescan)

– L’Express : Communiqué no 43 du Groupe islamique armé (18 avril 1996)

– Reuters (May 25, 1996): France mourns monks, Algeria cannot confirm deaths

– Henri Tincq (Le Monde – 8 juin 1998) : Une apologie du massacre a fait scandale à Louvain-la-Neuve

– The Tablet (August 22, 1998): Did Oxford’s new lecturer justify murder of monks? (textscan)

– Jasper Gerard (The Times – August 26, 1998): Silent Past – Diary

– Yahya Michot (Times Higher Education – 11 septembre 1998) : Pourquoi je…

– Yahya Michot (Times Higher Education – September 11, 1998): Why I…

– Yahya Michot (SaphirNews.com – 21 décembre 2004) : La parque malhonnête

– Julie Ficatier et Marie Boëton (La Croix – 22 décembre 2009) : Les circonstances de la mort des trappistes restent controversées

AYOUB Mahmoud


Profils / Profiles


– Point de Bascule (18 octobre 2007) : Un exégète musulman explique dans une cour canadienne que l’islam justifie la violence contre les femmes

– Point de Bascule (February 28, 2011): The Muslim Brotherhood and Gaddafi were partners not too long ago

– Mark Steyn (March 2, 2011): Gaddafi: The Steyn connection

– Point de Bascule (May 14, 2011): University of Western Ontario: Muslim Brotherhood Organizations Commit to Fund a Chair in Islamic Studies

– Point de Bascule (26 septembre 2011) : Jihad juridique : une réponse à Patrick Lagacé

– Point de Bascule (9 décembre 2011) : Charia et crimes d’honneur : Point de Bascule répond à Sikander Ziad Hashmi

– Point de Bascule (December 9, 2011): Two Islamic texts stressing the immunity for honour killings: An answer to Ziad Hashmi’s National Post challenge

– Point de Bascule (9 février 2012) : Ismail Faruqi : Leader musulman à Montréal (1958-1967) et fondateur du principal centre de recherche des Frères Musulmans en Occident (1981)

– Point de Bascule (February 10, 2012): Ismail Faruqi: Muslim Leader in Montreal (1958-1967) and Founder of the Main Muslim Brotherhood Research Institute in the West (1981)

Références / References

– World Islamic Call Society (January 3-6, 2008): Second Meeting of the Evangelical Christian-Muslim Dialogue

– Rob Breakenridge (The Calgary Herald – 14 octobre 2008) : Le verdict dans l’affaire Maclean's

– World Islamic Call Society (April 25-27, 2010): Final communiqué in Istanbul (Turkey)



Minaret of Freedom Institute (MFI)


Profils / Profiles


– Point de Bascule (20 septembre 2011) : Djemila Benhabib chez Dumont : Les soldats d'Allah à l'assaut de l'Occident

Le MFI cite Ludwig von Mises et d’autres auteurs généralement associés à la droite alors que fréquemment les Frères Musulmans s’allient à la gauche.

– Point de Bascule (7 juin 2012) : Le verset 2:256 ‘Nulle de contrainte en religion’ : l’arme favorite des Frères Musulmans pour berner les élites occidentales

Références / References

– Fars Press (January 30, 2008): Imad Ahmad endorses Khomeini’s role in the Iranian revolution in an Iranian media

MFI (April 27, 2010): Tariq Ramadan Speaker at the Minaret of Freedom Institute






Profils / Profiles

– ISNA-Canada (May 2007): Ingrid Mattson

– Discover the Networks (2011): Ingrid Mattson


– Point de Bascule (12 janvier 2008) : Rectitude politique au Pentagone - Expert du djihad congédié

– Point de Bascule (29 janvier 2008) : Département américain de la Défense sans défense

– Point de Bascule (19 janvier 2009) : États-Unis - Le Hamas officiellement invité à l'investiture d'Obama

– GMBDR (May 3, 2010): Mattson Attends Meeting Of Islamic Development Bank In Saudi Arabia

– Point de Bascule (12 octobre 2010) : Le roi de Jordanie honore les leaders de l'internationale des Frères Musulmans

– Point de Bascule (3 février 2011) : La pénétration de l'administration Obama par les Frères Musulmans

– Point de Bascule (February 28, 2011): The Muslim Brotherhood and Gaddafi were partners not too long ago

– Point de Bascule (May 14, 2011): University of Western Ontario: Muslim Brotherhood Organizations Commit to Fund a Chair in Islamic Studies

– Point de Bascule (14 octobre 2011) : London (Ontario) – Le Collège universitaire Huron nomme une islamiste notoire à la tête de sa chaire d’Études islamiques

– Point de Bascule (9 février 2012) : Ismail Faruqi : Leader musulman à Montréal (1958-1967) et fondateur du principal centre de recherche des Frères Musulmans en Occident (1981)

– Point de Bascule (February 10, 2012): Ismail Faruqi: Muslim Leader in Montreal (1958-1967) and Founder of the Main Muslim Brotherhood Research Institute in the West (1981)

Références / References

DADES Abdelghani


Profils / Profiles


– Point de Bascule (15 décembre 2010) : Atlas Média, journal de la diaspora marocaine à Montréal, se met au service des Frères Musulmans

– Point de Bascule (17 décembre 2010) : Abdelghani Dades défend-il les Frères Musulmans au nom du gouvernement marocain?

– Point de Bascule (24 décembre 2010) : La mise au point d’Abdelghani Dades

– Point de Bascule (27 juin 2011) : École Dar al-Iman c. Rue Frontenac : le contexte de la poursuite en diffamation

Références / References


Frères Musulmans / Muslim Brotherhood

FADEL Mohammad H.


Profils / Profiles

Point de Bascule (July 20, 2011): Pro-Qaradawi UofT Professor Mohammad Fadel to speak at 2012 Couchiching conference


Références / References

– Supreme Court of British Colombia (July 21, 2010): Islam and polygamy – Affidavit and other documents submitted by Mohammad H. Fadel to the Supreme Court of British Columbia

– Mohammad Fadel (University of Toronto – December 2010): The accommodation of Islam in liberal democracy

– Angela Hall (Saskatoon Star Phoenix – March 4, 2011): Mohammad Fadel: Striking a balance between individual rights and democratic norms

Centre culturel islamique de Québec (CCIQ)


Profils / Profiles


– Point de Bascule (2 mars 2012) : Le Centre culturel islamique de Québec (CCIQ) dénonce la tyrannie de la majorité sur le dos d"une minorité musulmane faible

– Point de Bascule (2 mars 2012) : Bibliographie musulmane suggérée sur le site du CCIQ

– Point de Bascule (5 mars 2012) : Le CCIQ, le Hamas et le projet de nouvelle mosquée dans le quartier Saint-Sauveur de Québec

– Point de Bascule (6 mars 2012) : Extraits de ce que prônent les idéologues islamistes endossés par le CCIQ, l’organisation associée au projet de mosquée dans le quartier Saint-Sauveur à Québec

– Point de Bascule (20 avril 2012) : Lors d’une audition publique de l’Assemblée nationale, une des représentantes du CCIQ refuse de serrer la main d’un député sous prétexte qu’il aurait dû savoir

– Point de Bascule (20 avril 2012) : Mosquée de Limoilou – Les prieurs du vendredi

– Point de Bascule (23 avril 2012) : Al-Ihsane (Bel-Agir) – L’autre organisation derrière le projet de mosquée dans le quartier Saint-Sauveur de Québec

– Point de Bascule (7 juin 2012) : Le verset 2:256 ‘Nulle de contrainte en religion’ : l’arme favorite des Frères Musulmans pour berner les élites occidentales

Références / References

– CCIQ (15-19 novembre 2004) : Programme du colloque L'Islam et l'Occident

– CCIQ (2 janvier 2007) : Bibliographie musulmane suggérée sur le site du CCIQ

–  Annie Mathieu (Le Soleil – 17 mars 2012) : Mosquée de Limoilou – Les prieurs du vendredi

– CCIQ (7 mai 2010) : Mémoire présenté à la commission de consultation sur le projet de loi No 94 (ASSNAT PDF)

A coalition of Muslim Brotherhood organizations opposes the publication of Muhammad cartoons


Point de Bascule n’endosse pas le contenu de ce document. Il est archivé sur ce site uniquement à des fins de référence.


Point de Bascule does not endorse the content of this document. It is archived on this website strictly for reference purposes.

A coalition of Muslim Brotherhood organizations opposes the publication of Muhammad cartoons

Original address: http://www.muslimcouncil.org/en/Statement%20of%20muslim%2009-02-06-1.pdf

Date: February 9, 2006

Original title: Statement on the irresponsible and insulting cartoons published about the Prophet Muhammad *

In response to the printing of 12 cartoons by various European newspapers and elsewhere, we, the undersigned Islamic organizations and centers condemn these actions and those responsible for the publications. Moreover, as Canadian and Quebec Muslims, we are astonished and shocked by the actions of the above mentioned media outlets for they clearly demonstrated their lack of respect and tolerance for the beliefs and traditions of the Islamic faith.

As Canadian and Quebec Muslims, we understand and respect the importance of freedom of speech and independence of media. We would like to see these freedoms and rights applied in our society with responsibility and tolerance, whereas in recent days these hard-earned rights have been misused to disparage and malign the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith. Let it be crystal clear that the printing of the cartoons in no way promotes freedom of speech while it was undoubtedly offensive to the Muslim community and misrepresented the Islamic faith.

Recently, Islam and Muslims have been negatively promulgated through government policies and media coverage. Canadian Muslims appreciate the way that most media outlets, in Canada and Quebec, are dealing with this issue. Media outlets on this side of the Atlantic have shown their respect for their fellow Muslim citizens by way of choosing not to publish the offensive cartoons. The best way to maintain peace and stability within our society is by mutual respect and dialogue.

While Canadian and Quebec Muslims share in the intense emotions and displeasure of their fellow Muslims the world over, we call upon them to address this most serious matter in a calm and constructive manner. We condemn the violent reactions in response to the publications and ask all those involved to find creative and peaceful methods to voice their concerns. We call upon the Canadian federal and provincial governments to clearly state and condemn the misuse of the freedom of expression and speech in Europe and to pass a law that considers Islamophobia a hate crime. We must not allow Islamophobia to be spread under the illusory blanket of freedom of speech.

In order to work towards an atmosphere of dignity and respect and to better understand the deep sentiments of the Muslim community about the caricatures, we hereby announce the following initiatives by the collective body of Montreal Islamic centers and organizations.

1) Open houses in local mosques with information sessions on the Prophet Muhammad will be held in the upcoming two weekends (Feb. 11-12 & Feb. 18-19).

2) Information pamphlets about the character of the Prophet Muhammad will be available through mosques, centers and other public domains.

3) A conference, open to all, will be held in the upcoming weeks to highlight the importance of the Prophet Muhammad and his teachings in the daily lives of Muslims and the human race.

We call upon our society to affirm their refusal to accept any and all types of discrimination and stop stereotyping Muslims and Arabs; who remain the only accepted victims of racism, and afford them the same dignity and respect as everyone else in society.

For further information please contact the following spokespersons:

English media:
Salam Elmenyawi (514) 748-8427

French media:
Bachar Elsolh, (514) 983-5323 and Faker Daoud, (514) 572-6975

* This statement is published by the Muslim Coordinating Committee for Justice (MCCJ) on behalf of the following mosques and organizations.

Abou Bakr Asseddique Mosque
Al-Hijrah Association
Al-Iman Mosque
Al-Islam Mosque (ICQ)
Al-Nouaman Academy
Al-Ommah Al-Islamiah Mosque
Al-Rawdah Mosque
Alterative Perspective Media (APM-RAM)
Association Bel Agir
Association Musulmane Québécoise (AMQ)
Assunnah Annabawyah Mosque
Canadian Islamic Centre (Al-Jamieh)
Canadian Islamic Congress Montreal (CIC)
Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF)
Center Islamique BADR (CIB)
Islamic Community Center (ICC)
Khadijah Mosque
Khaled Ben-El-Walid Mosque
Longueuil Mosque
Makkah Almukarramah Mosque
Markaz El-Islam, South Shore Mosque
Montréal Mosque (MM)
Muslim Association of Canada (MAC)
Muslim Community of Quebec (MCQ)
Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM)
Muslim Scout
Muslim Student Association McGill (MSA)
Muslim Student Association UQAM
Nour Al-Islam Mosque
Regroupement Des Marocains Au Canada (RAC)
Shah Jalal Mosque
United Muslim Student Association (UMSA)

La candidate défaite du PQ dans La Pinière s’en prend à Fatima Houda-Pepin


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Point de Bascule does not endorse the content of this document. It is archived on this website strictly for reference purposes.


La candidate défaite du PQ dans La Pinière s’en prend à Fatima Houda-Pepin

Adresse originale : http://www.sadaalmashrek.ca/images/PDF/106/215.pdf (pp.1-2)

La reproduction du texte original est disponible en cliquant ICI.

Auteure : Salwa Hassoun
Référence : Sada Al Mashrek, 15 mai 2007, pp.1-2

Titre original : Jusqu’où ira l’opportunisme politique de la députée Pépin??

Pour répondre à cette question, il faut se demander : quand cet opportunisme a-t-il commencé et où a-t-il trouvé son origine? La réponse est toute simple.

L’origine est un appétit vorace et une soif inaltérable du pouvoir et cela a commencé par les premières marches de l’escalier que cette personne s’est construit et a choisi de piétiner, au mépris des plus élémentaires des règles de l’honnêteté et de l’intégrité morale. Deux notions que cette députée a rayé de son lexique et qui ne figurent plus dans le répertoire de sa marche vers une gloire sale et mesquine.

L’escalier de la députée en question est jonché ou plutôt, tapissé de titres honorifiques tissés sur le dos des maghrébines et maghrébins jetés aux oubliettes aussitôt son objectif atteint. Et la dernière trouvaille de Mme Pépin pour se mériter les lauriers du parlement?

C’est qu’elle est futée la madame!!!

Elle a bien observé la fulgurante percée «Dumontiste» et comme elle apprend très vite dès qu’il s’agit d’une ouverture vers les sommets du pouvoir, elle a saisi que le moyen le plus sûr, le plus rapide et le plus en vogue actuellement est le sujet des accommodements raisonnables.

Comme tout le monde semble oublier que le précurseur de cette bombe à retardement a été le sujet des écoles juives que Charest voulait subventionner à 100 pour 100 et les fenêtres du YMCA givrées pour le bon vouloir des juifs hassidiques et comme tout le monde ne semble se rappeler que des musulmans faisant leur prière dans une cabane à sucre ou de la jeune fille expulsée du terrain de soccer à cause de son foulard, alors la députée s’en donne à cœur joie et fait de l’islam et des musulmans son cheval de bataille…

Madame la députée, vous semblez oublier que le terme ¨intégriste¨ dont vous traitez tous les musulmans qui ne soient pas vous-même est défini dans le dictionnaire comme ¨personne intransigeante¨. Cela ne vous rappelle-t-il personne? Moi cela me rappelle une certaine députée qui semble oublier qu’on peut avoir un autre regard vis-à-vis de la religion que le sien propre. Vous semblez avoir établi vos propres règles pour cette religion, libre à vous. Mais de quel droit les imposer au reste de la population et de quel droit traiter d’intégriste toute celle ou celui qui n’est pas d’accord avec ces règles. C’est qui l’intégriste dans cette affaire, on se le demande…

Madame la députée, au nom de la démocratie et de la laïcité vous vous êtes soulevée contre es tribunaux islamiques, soit. Nous voulons nous même que la loi soit pareille pour toutes et tous. Mais pourquoi ne vous êtes vous pas soulevée, à l’instar des torontois, contre les tribunaux d’autre confession que l’islam. Est-ce parce que vous vous désintéressez du sort des citoyens non musulmans? Eux, peuvent se plier aux lois des tribunaux religieux?

Madame la députée, ces hommes que vous traitez d’intégristes et de dominateurs ont pourtant accordé leur soutien inconditionnel à une femme qui ne porte aucun voile, ce que vous omettez de mentionner et qui, a mon sens a rajouté à la frénésie de vos attaques contre les musulmans. Vous ne souffrez d’opposition à vos points de vue et pour punir les récalcitrants, quelle meilleure manière que de les faire passer pour ce que vous êtes vous-même, des intransigeants et pour les marginaliser, quelle meilleure façon que de dresser contre eux leurs concitoyens, les québécoises et les québécois déjà chauffés à blanc par le sujet des accommodements profitant du contexte actuel. Diviser pour mieux régner. Mais cela, c’est votre domaine de définition. Regardons la zizanie que vous avez semé au sein du conseil de la municipalité, vous êtes vraiment maître dans l’art madame la députée.

Est-ce à moi de vous rappeler, madame, que le rôle d’une élue est celui, au contraire de rassembler et non de segmenter. De servir ses concitoyens et non de servir ses desseins, d’être loyal et non de trahir et de dénoncer ce qui n’a pas lieu d’être dénoncé. De travailler pour ceux qui ont voté pour vous comme pour ceux qui ont voté contre vous. On est en démocratie que je sache. Je ne peux faire votre travail à votre place tout de même madame!

En profitant des vents qui soufflent apportant, tantôt folie tantôt incitation à la haine pour arriver à vos fins, peu avouables à la fin, vous faites preuve d’un opportunisme politique dont seules ont été capables les éminences de la dictature Vous rappeler à la raison serait peine perdue, assoiffée de pouvoir que vous soyez. J’en appellerai donc à la sagesse et au discernement des québécoises et des québécois afin de faire attention aux multiples tentatives et appels à la haine de madame la députée. Vous qui avez toujours su vivre en harmonie avec le reste de vos concitoyens avant la percée maladroite et partiale de politiciens opportunistes n’hésitant devant rien pour un petit brin malheureux de gloire.

Yvonne Ridley guest speaker for Islamists in Canada



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Point de Bascule does not endorse the content of this document. It is archived on this website strictly for reference purposes.

Yvonne Ridley guest speaker for Islamists in Canada

Original address: http://archive.thesuburban.com/content.jsp?sid=58089673151924665810602593686&ctid=1000002&cnid=1016553

Author: Barbara Kay
Source: The Suburban, October 8, 2008

Original title: Opinion — The NDP: Sowing a dangerous whirlwind

Liberal leader Stéphane Dion recently rejected the idea of a coalition with the NDP on the grounds that “Mr. Layton already has a coalition, I understand. He has a coalition with the Nudist Party, a coalition with the Marijuana Party. He has plenty of [experience] with coalitions.”

He’s right about the marijuana and the nudists, but at least Canada’s nudists and tokers just want to enjoy themselves. They are not ideologically committed to eroding the foundation of our democratic system: equality of all citizens under the law.

So never mind them. Mr. Dion left out the most important coalition of all: the NDP’s complicity with Islamists, by whom I mean those who promote Islam as a political ideology rather than a faith, and whose goals not only run counter to Canadian values, they are meant to subvert them.

The NDP has over the years become the go-to party for Muslim ideologues with the stated objective of introducing Sharia law to Canada, laws at sharp odds with the UN Declaration of Human Rights. These ideologues are attached to organizations that, amongst other subversions of the Canadian way of life, are actively trying to chill free speech in the media. In brief, the NDP is the go-to party for the soft jihad.

Jack Layton’s Quebec lieutenant Thomas Mulcair is among the worst panderers in this respect. He is strenuously engaged in this election in getting out the vote for one Ms. Samira Laouni, whose close ties to the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), an organization with troubling Islamist views, and with ties to an internationally controversial radical Islamist make her — or should make her — a lot more problematic than a nudist or a marijuana smoker.

Last September radical Islamist British journalist Yvonne Ridley was invited by the CIC to speak at a fund-raising dinner that I attended. Samira Laouni, the present NDP candidate, was an active member of the organizing committee; her name is on the program as a contact person for the event. As I wrote in a column at the time:

“Controversy dogs [Ridley]. In 2006 she outlined her viewpoint in a debate at Imperial College London as “pretty much in line with Hamas.” She defended the utility of British Muslims watching videos of Iraqi insurgents beheading hostages as a necessary counterpoint to Western media propaganda. When Chechen terrorist leader Shamil Basayev, the mastermind of both the Moscow theatre hostage crisis and Beslan school massacre, was killed, Ridley opined that he had become a shaheed (i.e., martyr) whose place in paradise was now assured.

Most problematic for Canadians, who appreciate that our security depends on Muslim co-operation in identifying jihadist elements amongst them, Ridley is on record counselling British Muslims “to boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form.” For this pernicious advice alone, the CIC must realize that her views are more than incompatible with Canadian values: They run dangerously counter to Canadians’ national security.”

Barbara Kay (National Post – September 12, 2007): Taliban stooge

Thomas Mulcair, who was then running for office, and former NDP leader Alexa McDonough arrived at the dinner immediately after Ridley finished speaking in order to bring NDP greetings to the people. I was surprised that any politician would associate himself or herself with these vile views. The next day I called Mr. Mulcair to ask why he would lend his presence to such an overt agent provocateur. He expressed complete ignorance of Ms. Ridley’s reputation, and registered absolute surprise when I gave him a blow by blow account of her controversial background.

I took his protestations of innocence at his word, and did not mention in my column that he was present at the dinner. I see in retrospect that I was foolish to imagine that his eagerness to distance himself from Ms. Ridley was an indication that he was so repulsed by her views that he would distance himself from her supporters as well. I see now that where it is a question of votes, the NDP can adjust its pious scruples.

For here we are one year later. Mr. Mulcair cannot plead ignorance of the fact that his candidate, Samira Laouni, lent her friendship and approval to an Islamist who actively supports the Taliban, that is to say Canada’s mortal enemies, the very brutes who are killing Canadian soldiers, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, both officially classified as terrorist organizations by the Canadian government.

Frankly I do not know how either Mr. Mulcair or Mr. Layton can look themselves in the mirror without flinching. They have exhibited the most brazen hypocrisy and irresponsibility. It is political opportunism of the most dangerous sort. They have sown the wind without a thought to their fellow Canadians who must reap the whirlwind. Shame on them both.

Yvonne Ridley tells Muslims not to cooperate with London police



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Point de Bascule does not endorse the content of this document. It is archived on this website strictly for reference purposes.

Yvonne Ridley tells Muslims not to cooperate with London police

Original address: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/5054600.stm

Source: BBC, June 7, 2006


(Yvonne Ridley) told a meeting of the Newham branch of the Respect Party that Muslims should "boycott" the Met Police.

She told a meeting on Tuesday that Muslims should "boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form".

"This goes from asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer.

"We should enforce non-co-operation."

Original title: Call to Muslims over police help

An activist from the Respect Party has urged Muslims in east London to stop co-operating with police.

Yvonne Ridley, who became a Muslim after her arrest by the Taleban in Afghanistan five years ago, has accused the police of being heavy-handed.

She told a meeting of the Newham branch of the Respect Party that Muslims should "boycott" the Met Police.

Police said that to "develop increasing trust" communities and officers needed to talk to each other.

Ms Ridley's comments come in the wake of an anti-terror raid on a house in Forest Gate in which one man was shot.

Respect Councillor Hanif Abdulmuhit said he did not support Ms Ridley's stance.

She told a meeting on Tuesday that Muslims should "boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form".

She said: "From today until this terrorisation of the Muslim community is stopped immediately, I believe all Muslims should withdraw their support," she said.

"This goes from asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer.

"We should enforce non-co-operation."

Speaking on Wednesday morning, Ms Ridley defended her comments.

"I called for zero tolerance with the Metropolitan Police, the force which has demonstrated time and time again its Islamophobic attitudes," she told BBC News.

Men held

Two brothers, Mohammed Abdulkahar, 23, and Abul Koyair, 20, were arrested in connection with an alleged terror plot after the raid on Friday.

Mr Kahar was shot in the shoulder during the raid but it is unclear how this happened.

Both the men, who deny the allegations, are still being held without charge at Paddington Green police station.

Commander Steve Allen, the Met's head of territorial police, told BBC News the community played a vital role in combating terrorism.

"What is more likely to develop increasing trust, what's more likely to deliver effective police and community responses to situations like this?

"Is this when we talk to each other, when we spend time trying to understand each other's perspective or is it when we call for complete disengagement?"

He said he could not comment on the raid because the investigation was ongoing.

'Undiluted madness'

But he added: "We're in a position where society has to trust us to make decisions based on sometimes less-than-perfect information.

"We have to recognise that the best interest of the community always lies in preventing acts of terrorism and we have to make those difficult decisions about when to act and when not to act."

Mr Abdulmuhit, who attended Tuesday's meeting said: "If someone, for example, comes to me now and says 'Hanif I'm sitting in my kitchen making a bomb to blow X up', I will go to the police.

"That's solid evidence I know for sure.

"We need to co-operate with the police," he said.

Shadow home secretary David Davis described Ms Ridley's comments as "sheer, undiluted madness".

"To not co-operate would be of no benefit to the Muslim community; no benefit to the police; and no benefit to the security of our country."

Press release for a conference held by Yvonne Ridley in Montreal


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Point de Bascule does not endorse the content of this document. It is archived on this website strictly for reference purposes.

Press release for a conference held by Yvonne Ridley in Montreal

Original address: http://www.newswire.ca/releases/February2003/18/c1598.html (dead link)

Web Archives: http://web.archive.org/web/20030513195434/http:/www.newswire.ca/releases/February2003/18/c1598.html

Samer Majzoub is identified as the spokesperson.

Four Muslim Brotherhood organizations are identified as hosts of the event:

Muslim Association of Canada
Canadian Muslim Forum
Alternative Perspective Media
United Muslim Students Association.

Original title: Ex-Taliban prisoner to hold press conference Wednesday, lecture Thursday - From Afghanistan to Iraq: America Attacks English Lecture (Thursday, Feb. 20): 7:00 PM

MONTREAL, Feb. 18 /CNW Telbec/ - Yvonne Ridley, author and chief reporter for Britain's The Daily Express to speak about her ten-day imprisonment by the Taliban, as well as her thoughts on the impending war against Iraq. Ridley recently caused a stir in the media upon admitting her growing interest in Islam.

Amphithéâtre Jean Lesage (Room B-2285)
3200, Jean-Brillant
Université de Montréal

Press conference (Wednesday, Feb. 19): 9:30 AM
2149 Mackay
Basement Level

This event is hosted by the Muslim Association of Canada, Canadian Muslim Forum, Alternative Perspective Media and the United Muslim Students Association.


For further information: Samer Majzoub, (514) 884-0852

Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) / Congrès islamique canadien (CIC)

Muslim Students Association (MSA)


A delegation of Islamists to Hérouxville led by CIC member Najat Boughaba (alias Mustapha)



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A delegation of Islamists to Hérouxville led by CIC member Najat Boughaba (alias Mustapha)

Original address: http://www.canadianislamiccongress.com/cic2010/2007/02/11/nine-muslim-women-visit-the-quebec-town-of-herouxville/

Source: CIC website, February 11, 2007

No title on the original page

A delegation of Muslim women from Montreal visited the Quebec town of Herouxville today Sunday to try to dispel myths about Islam and Canadian Muslims after Hérouxville adopted a controversial code of norms aimed at immigrants.

Nine women wearing traditional Muslim Hijab met with approximately 50 town residents to educate them about their faith and about Canadian Muslims. On Jan. 25, Hérouxville’s town council adopted a code of societal norms that would-be immigrant newcomers would have to follow.

The delegation was led by CIC member Dr. Najat Mustafa. The delegation brought to the town 50 small gifts and also sweets of Baklawa and Ma’mool.

“We came here to confirm and affirm that we are true Quebecers too,” said May Haider, a member of the delegation and a Ph.D. student of Computer Science at the University of Montreal.

She said that following the successful town hall gathering, the women met with town councillors including André Drouin, who spearheaded the code of norms, for a two-hour meeting in which they helped draft a revised code of norms that wouldn’t offend minorities.

The town council plan to discuss the norms at the next town meeting.


Dr. Najat Mustapha, Montreal
(514) 327-7680

Imam Dr. Zijad Delic, Ottawa
(613) 698-8469 (Cell)
E-mail: imamdrdelic@canadianislamiccongress.com

Dr. Mohamed Elmasry,Waterloo
(519) 746-4107 (O)
(519) 498-1350 (Cell)
E-mail: np@canadianislamiccongress.com

Mrs. Wahida Valiante,Toronto
(905) 771-1023
E-mail: nvp@canadianislamiccongress.com

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